Being HIV positive does not preclude you from life insurance cover.
There are options.
We work with reputable South Africa insurers who offer affordable life cover to people living with HIV.
The quote service on this website is through an authorised financial service provider (FSP). Your contact details are handled with the utmost confidentiality.
There are over 7 million South Africans living with HIV.
Your status should not prevent you from enjoying the financial security of life insurance.
There are no complex medical tests with our life insurance cover. Most life insurers offering HIV cover will require regular screening for your immune status and viral load. HAART may also be a requirement.
Up to R10 million life insurance for people living with HIV
Financially protect your loved ones in the event of your death with a lump sum payout that secures their needs.
Life insurance is a requirement for a home loan and your HIV status should not be a barrier to your home ownership.
The fact is that life insurance is essential cover, especially if you have financial commitments. Be it your children, spouse or parents, your loss could have more than an emotional impact on your loved ones. It could impact them financially for years to come. Life insurance offered that financial shield but there is often a catch - you have to be fairly healthy and without any major disease to qualify for cover.
This is where HIV infection posed a problem, until now. As a person living with HIV, you are insurable. You can enjoy the same financial protection as others without HIV.
Whether it is just you or you and your partner living with HIV, our life cover will ensure that you have the peace of mind that you deserve. You can secure cover for up to R10 million to ensure that your financial obligations are met and have a lasting impact on your loved ones, for years and even decades after your death.