Life insurance is an obvious necessity. It will ensure that your loved ones are financially protected once you are no longer around to fend for them. Your HIV status should not exclude you from life cover. It should not disadvantage your family when you pass on. There are life insurance options for people living with HIV in South Africa.

HIV Life Insurance ( brings you the best cover that South African insurers can offer for people living with the virus. Two decades ago it was almost impossible to get life cover if you had HIV. Fortunately SA insurers have seen the need for providing HIV life cover and you can qualify for it if you meet certain criteria.

Even if you are not looking at the time beyond your death, these days you need life cover to qualify for certain financial services, like a home loan. With HIV life cover you can rest assured that you have the protection to pay off your home in the event of death, irrespective of your HIV status.

HIV Life Insurance ( is not a financial service provider. We simply provide consumer information on HIV life insurance products and promote cover from reputable insurers in South Africa. We will not be held liable for transactions between parties or for the misuse of information on this website. Consumers are advised to seek recourse through the insurance Ombudsman if there is any dispute with the insurer.